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Does Wrapping a Car Damage the Paint?

You’ve most likely seen cars and trucks driving around with graphics covering the outside. These might be a logo, name, or other graphics that represent a company’s brand. If you have a fleet of vehicles, wrapping can provide a highly visible and effective way to market your business. But you might have concerns about damage to the paint on your cars or trucks.

Does wrapping a car damage the paint? You might worry that you’ll need to have your vehicles repainted or touched up if damage occurs, which can be a time-consuming and costly expense for your business. The good news is that car wraps don’t damage paint, as long as they’re applied properly.

Car Wrap Materials

What kinds of materials are used for car wraps? In the past, vinyl and glue were mainly used for car wraps. This involved applying vinyl with an adhesive featuring a water-based solution.

Improvements in car wrap materials have led to the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This material offers greater flexibility and a good substrate for graphics to help ensure high-quality images and text. PVC car wraps might also have other materials added, such as UV absorbers, to help prevent fading or damage from the sun’s rays.

Some wraps are made of cast vinyl instead of PVC. Cast vinyl Is more resistant to shrinking and offers improved flexibility. All of the ingredients for cast vinyl are combined in a mold and then baked to produce a car wrap.

The Car Wrap Process

Cars need to be properly prepared before having a wrap applied. This involves a good wash to get rid of grease or other contaminants on the surface. More in-depth cleaning might be used to eliminate pollen and other tiny particles that can build up on the surface. Keep in mind that car wraps should be applied on a clean, flat surface for the best results.

Car wrap installers generally take certain factors into consideration when preparing vehicles. In addition to cleaning, they might consider paint quality overall, areas of peeling paint, rust, and dents. The current condition of a vehicle plays a role in how the car wrap will look once it’s applied and how long it lasts. 

When having car wraps installed, always use a company with the right experience and knowledge. Proper installation helps lower the risk of damage to the paint on your vehicles.

Car Wrap and Car Paint

So, does wrapping a car damage the paint at all? The impact on your car’s paint depends on several factors, including the quality of the wrap installation, the method of removal, and the duration the wrap remains on the vehicle. Ensuring that the wrap is installed properly is crucial in minimizing any risk of damage to the car paint. Similarly, expert removal of the car wrap is essential to prevent any potential harm. In fact, it’s advisable to have the same company handle both the installation and removal of car wraps for the best care of your vehicle’s paint.

As for length of time, car wrap lifespans vary. Most typically last anywhere from five to seven years overall. If the wrap is taken off within that lifespan, there’s a very low risk of any damage to car paint. If the wrap is removed after its lifespan, though, this might cause damage. Residue from the wrap might peel paint or damage it. In this case, ensuring that experienced professionals remove car wraps helps lower the risk of damage.

Car wrap maintenance is another factor to consider. Keeping car wraps clean and maintained over the years helps prevent damage to the surface they’re on.

Benefits of Wrapping Cars

Effective Advertising

Why do businesses use car wraps? These wraps provide a great way to advertise your company. As cars or trucks in your fleet drive around, other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians can become familiar with your company name and logo. The car wraps you use can also display information on the products or services your company offers, where you’re located, or which cities and towns you serve. 

Protection from the Sun’s UV Rays

Having vehicles properly wrapped with quality materials can help protect paint from UV damage. Cars and trucks are exposed to the sun’s rays for many hours each day, which can affect the paint. With a car wrap on your vehicle, the paint underneath is protected from UV exposure.

Protection from Small Debris

Gravel and other small pieces of debris can damage the paint on your vehicles. Car wraps provide a layer of protection from this kind of debris, which helps keep the paint underneath in good condition.

If you’re looking for a reliable, high-quality partner to handle fleet graphics, contact iMBranded to learn more about our services. Our graphics experts can ensure safe wrapping that won’t damage the paint on your vehicles.


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