
Description: Used throughout the customer zone. Egger Porcelain Laminate with open top for printer and storage cabinet below.

S1E –Printer cabinet with storage cupboard underneath.
Dimensions 24 ¼”w x 23 5/8”d x 44 3/8”h
Space for printer 22 ¾”w x 22 ¾”d x 16”h

Printer depth is different than the S1A depth. Client may consider making them the same depth for uniformity.

Placed behind the employee
Doors open to the employee side
If placed under a window, height should be compared to the height of the window sill. Credenza should not impede on window opening
If printer option is selected, printer dimensions should be compared to allowable area to ensure fit.
Electrical required for printer options.
Cabinets are lockable


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